

Chiropractor, Mom, Wellness Advocate

Dr. Plentl is the owner and founder of Hope Chiropractic & Wellness Center. She is a family wellness chiropractor specializing in functional nutrition - targeted nutritional approaches to support health and healing.

She has over 15 years of experience in the chiropractic and wellness field, which has helped her to overcome many health challenges of her own. Her personal journey fuels her passion for helping others find the missing puzzle pieces for their health so that they, too, can regain hope for their health.

Dr. Plentl takes a full-person approach to her care, often delving into years-worth of previous health history in order to gain the best understanding of her patients' current health status.

Dr. Plentl has a doctorate in chiropractic, a bachelors in Anatomy and a bachelors in Health & Wellness studies. She has additional post-graduate certifications in nutrigenomic testing, functional medicine, and nutrition, and is currently working towards a diplomate in Clinical Nutrition.

Dr. Plentl is a wife and mother first and foremost. She loves coaching others on how to keep faith and family first while still pursuing their calling.

She also enjoys traveling, teaching, cooking, and playing outside with her son. 


Services Offered

Advanced Testing: 
Nutrigenomic (Genetic) Testing, DUTCH Hormone Testing, DNA Stool Analysis, Heavy Metal Testing (hair, blood, urine), Functional blood-work labs, and more!

Chiropractic Techniques: 
Activator Protocol, Diversified, Thompson, & Craniosacral Techniques

Coaching Services: 
Online & In-person Educational Workshops, Ongoing Online Community Health Challenges, and Nutritional Coaching for Patients on Individualized Protocols



Doctorate in Chiropractic from Parker University
Bachelors in Health & Wellness
Bachelors in Anatomy
Advanced Functional Nutrition Coursework
Certification in Nutrigenomic Testing & Interpretation



Mon: 3—6 pm (Chiropractic)
Tues:  9:30 am—2 pm (Nutrition)
Weds: 8 am—12 pm (Chiropractic)
Thu:  9:30 am — 2 pm (Nutrition)

Request a Chiropractic Visit with Dr. Jill:


To request your New Patient chiropractic appointment with Dr. Jill Plentl, click the link below to fill out our chiropractic interest form:


NOTE: New Patients MUST Use the New Patient form above. If you are a New Patient using the Existing Patient link to request an appointment, your request will be denied. We require a full examination before regular treatments can be scheduled.

If you are interested in a nutrition visit with Dr. Jill, click the button below.

“There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.”
— Leonard Cohen